GitHub Fundamentals
To create a memorable portfolio and further your career, learn GitHub's version control, branching, collaboration, Git fundamentals, and open-source contributions.
- Overview of Git and GitHub.
- Installing Git and creating a GitHub account.
- Creating and cloning repositories.
- Basic Git commands
- init, add, commit, status.
- Understanding branches and their importance.
- Creating, switching, and merging branches.
- Resolving merge conflicts.
- Basics of pull requests and forks.
- Stashing and restoring changes.
- Undoing changes with revert, reset, and checkout.
- Rebasing and its use cases.
- Working with Git tags and releases.
- Managing issues and project boards.
- Setting up GitHub Actions for automation.
- Integrating GitHub with third-party tools.
- Assigning roles and managing permissions.
- Finding and evaluating open-source projects.
- Understanding contribution guidelines and licenses.
- Forking repositories and submitting pull requests.
- Writing effective issues and communicating with maintainers.
- Enhancing your GitHub profile with a portfolio.
- Managing large repositories and using submodules.
- Conducting and responding to code reviews.
- Monitoring repository activity using GitHub Insights.